The mechanisms by which cells are acting after cardiac progenitor cells have been transplanted into human body are not yet quite clear. However, it seems that the grafted cells do not really build a new myocardial tissue by themselves, but rather secrete factors which probably activate endogenous signaling pathways, leading to some forms of cardioprotection. That is why the predominant hypothesis is the paracrine hypothesis whereby cells secrete these factors, which will stimulate wound healing to some extent.
The study that we are starting with human embryonic stem cell derived progenitors is really starting, so I cannot comment on that now. It is clear that because these cells are allergenic, they will trigger an immune response. We try to control that by short periods of immune suppression based on conventional drugs. That being said, it may not be such an issue that after a couple of days or weeks or months, cells will be cleared by the immune system provided that they have initially resided in the tissue long enough to secrete the factors I was talking about which are supposed to foster endogenous repair pathways.
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